Take advantage of 10% discount on your first purchase using the code BENVENUTO10



On our site you have the opportunity to save on your purchases thanks to our points collection. Participating is very simple! Register on our site, on the page of each product you can see how many points you will get by purchasing it.

For every 5 euros spent you will receive 1 point. Each point is equivalent to 0.25 cents.

For example: On a purchase of 50 euros you will receive 10 points which you can convert for your next purchase into a discount of 2.50 euros.

You can redeem your points at any time directly from your account by clicking on the "convert points" button. You will be provided with a code to enter in your cart at the time of purchase.

The accumulated points are valid for 60 days and can be used for orders with a minimum amount of 40 euros.


With the "MORE YOU BUY THE MORE YOU SAVE" promo you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a 5% discount on your entire cart.

Simply add at least one second product to your cart to receive the 5% discount which will be automatically calculated on the total of your purchase.

The promo can be combined with other discounts, including discount codes.


Do you have a discount code? Using it is very simple

If you haven't already done so, sign up to the site

Choose your products and add them to the cart. To complete the order, access the cart and before proceeding with the purchase click on the "DO YOU HAVE A DISCOUNT CODE?" section. and enter your code in the appropriate box, then click on the add button. BEFORE ADDING THE CODE MAKE SURE YOU ARE LOGGED IN! (at the top left you will see the item “YOUR ACCOUNT”).

Finish your shopping by proceeding with the purchase. Fill out the shipping form and make the payment by choosing the method you prefer. At the end of your purchase you will receive an email confirming your order!

What are you waiting for?! Shopping has never been so easy!!!!!!